Really we're just kinda trucking along over here. Just the works really. Same old missionary shuffle. But I'll include some gem moments I did have.
We stopped by this one woman's house named Tammi who I think is my favorite human being. She has the idyllic black woman sass that leaves me chuckling the rest of the night. She brightens my day every time I see her. And as a plus, The Princess and the Frog was playing in the background of our conversation so I got to listen to some all time songs.
In EPA we saw a random pig just running around. My companion almost touched it but then decided against it after I offered an admonition about plagues.
Supposed heir to the Monégasque throne might just be a crazy homeless man…
But my overall takeaway from the week is summed up well in a quote from the Prophet Joseph Smith that I found in my studies,
"Love is one of the chief characteristics of Deity, and ought to be manifested by those who aspire to be the sons [and daughters] of God. A man [or woman] filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing [their] family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race…"
I testify with the prophet of the restoration that true disciples of Jesus Christ are those who love. They are those who seek and seize every opportunity to serve another, whoever they may be. And they are those who will give themselves, their whole devotion, to the cause of compassion, which is truly the cause of Christ.
Sometimes it's hard to forget, it's not about me. And it's not about you. It's about scouring our lives for every opportunity to lift another. And when all is said and done we will look back and see that we too have been lifted to a higher state of being and have become what we were meant to become.
More like Him.
Cigarettes–Noah Gunderson
Sleep well…
Er sumthin…
Elder Winegar
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